Rev. M D Johnson
associate Priest

Rev. M. D. Johnson joined the Anglican Church of the Epiphany, Qatar in July 2021 as an Associate Priest, primarily shepherding the Tamil-speaking congregation. Prior to joining our church family he was ministering in the Church of North India (CNI), Diocese of Bombay, Bombay (now Mumbai), the State of Maharashtra, India as a priest for 13 years. He also served as a Director for the Department of children ministry in the diocese. He had involved himself in God’s mission as an evangelist, a missionary, a church planter and a pastor in various states of India. God trained him from the shoot of bottom level to learn about the significance of preaching his words to the thirsty souls. Under such process, he gained experience through involving himself in an open air preaching, film ministry, gospel tract distribution and selling Bibles in some parts of the country, India. At the outset, the year of 1993 at the age of 17, he had received his firm calling from God to do his ministry. That which made him want to involve himself with the church planting mission ‘Every Creature Crusade’ Bangalore, reaching out people with the gospel in villages, road sides and market places. He has also ministered in the northern part of India, such as Jhunsi village, Allahabad, the State of Uttar Pradesh; Delhi, Gurgaon, the State of Haryana for more than 9 years and also had some exposure in North East India in Shillong, New Haflong and Guwahati. He has always understood the uniqueness of the body of Christ, through the experience of forming churches in the midst of difficulties and persecutions. Unity of the church and the growth of the church play a vital role for him. He also has speaks several of the most widely-spoken of the Indian languages, such as Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada. Overall, God is using him in his ministry for the past 30 years in preaching and teaching God’s word to the diverse ethnic groups and having a broader understanding about the ecumenical world, he is very approachable and accessible.
Rev. M.D. Johnson had completed his theological degrees under the Senate of Serampore College, India: Bachelor of Theology (B. Th.), from Allahabad Bible Seminary (1999), Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh; Bachelor of Divinity (B.D.), from Gospel for Asia Biblical Seminary (2007), Tiruvalla, Kerala; Master of Theology (M. Th., Depart. Theology), Union Biblical Seminary (2015), Pune, Maharashtra. He also added the secular degrees at his credit: M. A (Sociology), Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu; M. A. (Political Science), University of Pune, Pune, Maharashtra.
He is married with two children. His wife Mary is committed and dedicated in God’s work along with him. Daughter Krista is in college will be pursing her undergraduate degree and Kester Baptist is in Grade 8. The motto of Rev. M. D. Johnson is to preach God’s word in season and out of season for the extension of God’s kingdom.